Jumat, 03 September 2010

Obstacles to Become a Professional Teacher

Many obstacles faced by a teacher to become a good teacher. Some of these barriers include the following:

1. Salaries are too mediocre maybe even less. Salary barely force a teacher to earn an additional after-hours worked. This resulted in not having the opportunity to make preparation for re-teaching by reading materials that will be taught a lesson tomorrow. This can reduce the readiness and performance in the classroom.

2. Administrative tasks are burdensome. Since the enactment of curriculum in 2006, many administrative tasks that have to do a teacher who aim to improve the professionalism of a teacher. It turns out these tasks become a heavy burden, and almost no benefits to add performance and readiness of a teacher in the face kaelas. Most administrative tasks are made with half had only to please his superiors. For example, a teacher is required to make the SBC, Syllabus and other mbegek breast, forcing teachers to write the same description on the first task and rewritten on the second and third task assignment. Everything is never used to relieve the burden of teaching in the classroom because these tasks do not read anymore at the time pernaha will / and is being taught. A teacher is more like opening and reading the textbook to teach than to bring Unit Program Teaching, Learning Materials Analysis or Plan of Teaching. These tasks are very useful for a prospective teacher. But for teachers who have been teaching for more than three years, this task is just a futile job (done, then stored in a closet and will be shown if the "bad luck" can be assigned to supervisors), who eventually signed the trash and .... Years next he must rewrite the work was in vain.

Lately some good schools and it can be said has been very successfully performed as a good school, is trying to improve the professionalism of teachers by giving additional duties to teachers to analyze any given problem at each replication. From this it is expected that the teachers at some time become a matter of good analyzer, which can be made about the super-perfect and valid if given to setiaap objects in the test.

Maybe the designer of this idea are people who never became a teacher, or indeed not a teacher or a person who intentionally gives such a heavy rush for the teacher to teacher salary increases do not think that was very mediocre.

To analyze the problem takes approximately twenty-five times the time required to correct the test. If a teacher teaches 15 (fifteen) classes, each class contains 40 students and to correct the tests each student takes five minutes (for testing esey) seoarang replicates, each teacher takes time to correct for a 15 X 40 X 5 minutes = 3000 minutes or 50 hours. If you must analyze a given test, it takes 25 X 50 hours = 1250 hours.

With the amount of time must be spent to perform these tasks, when a teacher has time to prepare themselves in order to appear excellence in the classroom? When teachers can teach well? Therefore do not blame the teacher if student achievement decreased.

Then the question is whether there is benefit analysis? D A T I replied K. Why not. Problem has been given to the students and was analyzed and valid, whether the tests might be used again for the future, also said NO, why? Questions have already been issued, if issued again for the next test would leak, because the next student must have studied the problem. Not only that. In the analysis of a problem for the student test group A will be different results with the student group B. A set of questions given to students of school A, is valid, but if given at school B is not valid or otherwise. If it is found that this seprti, whether valid or not this matter?

A concrete example about the National Exam for example, for a particular school is very good value (say, average 9.00), but for other schools is very bad value (say 5.00 average), how about the validity of these UNAS?, Please consider . Valid whether or not a matter of very much determined by the condition of students and the state and readiness of students taking a test.

In my opinion it is best to discuss the test questions after tested, tested some time after. Here will be known whether the question presented is whether or not to test group itu.Menganalisa matter should be undertaken by a team whose job it mmenganalisa analyzer is about, not by a teacher who teaches the class which has myriad duties. Problems are analyzed, not only for the portion of the daily routine test but also tests sifatny utnuk mass for a particular purpose.

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